Can You Grow Carrots In Water?

Can you grow carrots in water, without soil? Even though it's root - it is possible! We'll show you how to do it with this easy guide! keep on reading.
Can you grow carrots in water, without soil? Even though it's root - it is possible! We'll show you how to do it with this easy guide!

Table of Contents

Grow your carrots right at home in water! It is a simple and affordable way to get into gardening. Watering carrots is an ideal option for even inexperienced gardeners who need a low-maintenance but rewarding gardening experience. To start, you’ll need a large container to accommodate the roots of the carrot plants and something like a rock or gravel to cover the bottom for drainage. Fill it with water and add carrot seedlings, ensuring their root sprouts are completely submerged.

Not only can you enjoy seeing your carrots growing from the comfort of your home, but it doesn’t require any soil line or a large space. Growing vegetables in water are convenient, fun, and rewarding; with just some basic supplies like jars, water, and carrot seeds (or clippings from existing carrot scraps), you can watch your fruits of labor grow before your very eyes. So if you’re interested in trying out this incredibly simple gardening method, read on!

How to grow carrots hydroponically?

In short:

  1. Growing Medium: While hydroponics typically involve growing plants in a soilless medium, carrots can be challenging to grow in traditional hydroponic setups due to their need for space to develop roots. However, you can use a medium such as perlite, vermiculite, or coconut coir to support carrot growth in a hydroponic system.
  2. pH Level: Carrots prefer a slightly acidic to neutral pH range between 6.0 and 7.0. Maintain the pH level of the nutrient solution within this range to ensure optimal nutrient uptake and overall plant health.
  3. Nutrient Solution: Carrots require a balanced nutrient solution rich in essential macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) as well as micronutrients (calcium, magnesium, iron, etc.). Use a hydroponic nutrient solution formulated specifically for vegetables, and monitor nutrient levels regularly to avoid deficiencies or excesses.
  4. Temperature: Carrots thrive in moderate temperatures ranging from 60°F to 75°F (15°C to 24°C). Ensure that the hydroponic system is placed in an environment with stable temperatures within this range to promote healthy growth.
  5. Lighting: Carrots require ample light to grow properly. Provide at least 12 hours of bright, indirect light per day using grow lights or by placing the hydroponic system in a location with plenty of natural sunlight. LED grow lights are particularly suitable for indoor hydroponic setups as they can provide the specific spectrum of light needed for plant growth.
  6. Spacing: Carrots need sufficient space to develop their roots properly. Ensure that your hydroponic setup allows for adequate spacing between plants to prevent overcrowding, which can lead to stunted growth or malformed carrots.
  7. Method/System: The best method for growing carrots in water is the Kratky method (dutch bucket). It’s also my favorite because it’s low maintenance and possible to use indoors.
  8. Growth medium: rock wool, for plating the seeds and giving the carrots a place to grow.
Can You Grow Carrots In Water


Do Carrots Grow Well In Hydroponics?

Yes. Carrots can grow well in hydroponic systems, but they present certain challenges compared to other crops. The main difficulty lies in the fact that carrots have long taproots, which need ample space to develop properly. However, with the right approach and careful attention to growing conditions, carrots can indeed grow well in hydroponics.

A big advantage of growing carrots hydroponically is that it requires less space than soil-based gardening. Since you’re only using water and nutrient solutions, you can create a fairly compact setup that’s easy to manage and maintain. This makes hydroponic gardening a great choice for those who want to maximize their yields without sacrificing too much space.

Why Grow Carrots Hydroponically?

  1. Faster growth rate – plants grow faster hydroponically. Carrots are not different. This is due to the perfect balance of nutrients provided by the system. This means you’ll have your crop ready before traditional growing methods are even close to being done!
  2. Easier harvesting – When you harvest your carrots from a hydroponic system, you don’t need to worry about them getting stuck in the dirt like when harvested from traditional methods. This makes harvesting much easier and faster!
  3. Reduced risk of contamination – The closed-loop nature of the hydroponic system means there is far less contamination from outside sources like insects or other organisms that may be present in soil-based systems.
  4. Easier maintenance – Hydroponic systems require significantly less maintenance than traditional gardening as there is no need for weeding or tilling the ground each season—saving time and energy!
  5. Reduced waste – With an efficient watering system set up within the system, there is no run-off or excess water wastage from your garden bed, reducing your overall water consumption significantly compared with traditional gardening techniques!
hydroponically grown carrots

The recommended system for carrots in the Kratky

The Kratky method is a passive hydroponic system that uses a static solution of water and nutrients to feed the plants. It requires little maintenance since the solution does not need to be changed or replenished, making it an ideal option for those looking for an easy way to grow carrot stump hydroponically. Additionally, the Kratky method is very cost-effective.

It saves you money on water and nutrient costs since it does not require a recirculating pump or frequent solution replacement. However, there are some drawbacks to consider when using this method for growing carrots—since the solution is static, the oxygen levels may be too low for optimal growth, and the pH level of the solution can become imbalanced over time if it isn’t monitored carefully.

It’s also important to note that hydroponically grown carrots take longer than soil-grown ones since they need more time for their roots to develop and absorb nutrients from the solution. With proper care and maintenance, however, the Kratky method can be a great option for growing carrots!

How To Grow Hydroponic Carrots In A Bucket?

To begin, you’ll need a five-gallon bucket (or larger) with a lid, rock wool cubes (available for purchase here), a reservoir tank with a lid, and your favorite carrot seeds.

Plant one or two carrot plant seeds into each piece of rock wool.

Now that your seeds are planted, it’s time to set up lighting for your plants. Remember that traditional fluorescent lights are unsuitable for hydroponics because they do not produce enough light intensity or spectrum for optimal plant growth. Instead, look into plant-specific LED grow lights or High-Intensity Discharge (HID) lamps that offer more intense illumination specifically designed for use in hydroponic systems.

Position these lights about two feet above your plants so that it casts light evenly across all areas of the bucket. For best results, provide 18 hours of light per day by running either natural sunlight or artificial lighting on a timer system throughout daylight hours.

Once the lighting is established, you’ll need to monitor pH levels to ensure optimal growth conditions for your carrots.

Next comes water, which is especially important when it comes to hydroponic gardening since there is no natural source of water like the soil provides for traditional plants – all water must be supplied manually through irrigation systems such as drip emitters or sprinkler heads depending on what kind of setup works best in your environment.

Generally speaking, though, regular watering is essential when caring for carrots grown under hydroponics – if left too dry for too long. Their roots will become stressed out and unable to take up nutrients correctly, resulting in poor yields and stunted growth!

By the way – you can also do it in a jar. It has to be a large jar, but it is possible.

How Long Does It Take To Grow Carrots In Hydroponics?

Carrot lovers worldwide have much to celebrate, as growing carrots hydroponically can be done in about 70 days! This is much faster than growing carrots in soil, which can take up to 120 days. The key to successful and efficient hydroponic carrot growth is creating an optimal environment with plenty of light, oxygen, and nutrient-dense solutions. With these factors in check, you should be able to harvest a full crop of carrots within two months or less!

How to know when carrots are ready for harvest? You can harvest carrots from your hydroponic garden when the roots reach their desired size. The best way to determine this is by carefully lifting the lid and inspecting the carrots every week and checking for their size.


In conclusion, growing carrots in water using the Kratky method (click here if you want to learn more about this method) with rock wool as the growing medium presents an innovative and efficient way to cultivate this nutritious root vegetable. By utilizing the passive hydroponic approach of the Kratky method and the supportive properties of rock wool, gardeners can successfully grow carrots indoors or in limited-space environments with minimal equipment and maintenance. This method not only offers a sustainable and space-saving solution but also provides the satisfaction of harvesting fresh, homegrown carrots year-round. With the right care and attention, anyone can enjoy the rewards of growing carrots in water, enhancing both their gardening skills and culinary experiences.

Picture of Mindy van Orden

Mindy van Orden

I have grown hydroponic plants for decades, in different weathers. I'm a retired financial planner, born in Chicago, spent some time in Spain and Portugal. I currently live in South Carolina.

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